What is the role of the autoloader in MVC frameworks? Here is one concept that I did not find necessary in the prior versions of my MVC 6 project. What I have to do to enable Autoload? If it is possible please suggest? What I want is something like this: // Assign these MVC views to services and their property “class”: services.AddViewFor
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public class MyInstanceImpl { [Required] public int getModel() { return (2); } [Required] public String getModelState() { return (2); } public List
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All)(self).autoload(kwargs) } else { kwargs.append(‘methodName’); if (AutoloadSupport.AutoloadMethods[AutoloadFields]) { kwargs.append(‘AutoloadMethod’); } } self.autoload = kwargs } If you want that only the controller property is shown, then you have to change the controller in child view. myController = Controller(‘Controller’); Now it works like that myController = view_controller(‘myController’);